Separately Managed Accounts

Innovative Portfolios offers a range of customized, separately managed accounts (SMAs) to meet the needs of investors of all types.

Our proprietary portfolio strategies incorporate downside risk analysis with active management and disciplined investment strategies to offer the potential for enhanced income and growth. Each SMA is professionally managed by skilled portfolio managers to achieve a targeted investment strategy—growth, income, growth-and-income.


Want to learn more about our investment strategies?

Benefits of Innovative Portfolios SMAs

Our SMAs offer a wide range of potential benefits to advisors and institutional investors, including:

Our strategic SMA offerings

Bulls of the DowGrowthA focused portfolio of 10 familiar U.S. large capitalization equities selected from the Dow Jones Industrial Average, rebalanced quarterly, with a goal of capital appreciation.
IntelliBuilD® GrowthGrowthA portfolio of 33 fundamentally strong American growth-oriented equities selected from Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) stock lists and seeking capital appreciation.
Outlier GrowthGrowthA diversified portfolio seeking capital appreciation by attempting to identify U.S. stocks early in a growth cycle with potential to significantly outperform the market, also called 'outliers.'
Covered Call IncomeGrowth & IncomeA strategy seeking income and growth of capital from the sale of covered call options on high-quality, U.S. large capitalization equities.
Dividend Growth and IncomeGrowth & IncomeA portfolio of 33 individual stocks seeking dividend income with capital appreciation a secondary objective. Stock selection is based on dividend history, ability to raise the dividend and opportunity for growth.
Real Estate Income and GrowthGrowth & IncomeA fully invested portfolio of publicly traded U.S.-based equity Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) whose primary goal is current income with a focus on capital appreciation.
Preferred IncomeIncomeA portfolio of approximately 25-30 preferred stocks that display high, steady, and consistent income, seeking current income is a primary objective.
Index IncomeOption OverlayA long-term, time-decay, premium-capture put credit spread on the S&P 500 or similarly situated exchange-traded funds (ETFs) seeking positive monthly cash-flow from option premiums.

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