At Innovative Portfolios, our money management focus is providing income and/or growth and mitigating exposure to downside risk.
As highly experienced money managers, our investment team uses sophisticated research, technology, and data to drive all of our decision-making. We are value-oriented and our stock selection process screens equities in an attempt to avoid undue risk. Yet we also recognize the potential in using volatility to get to returns. We consider it an asset class that can be utilized to provide incremental income.
Innovative Portfolios’ strategies are designed for growth and/or income, and include options, preferred stock, and REIT portfolios. Each of our investment strategies strives to enhance the portfolios of investors seeking higher yield and/or growth.
Ask us about our money management approach.
Our Approach to Money Management
Proprietary Investment Strategies
We use a data-driven approach to investing, with a specific emphasis on adding income to portfolios. Our investment style is founded in sophisticated research and technology, screening for downside risk to lessen exposure.
Active Portfolio Management
We stay flexible and dynamic enough to help optimize the performance of your portfolio, actively managing our strategies to be able to respond to market conditions.
Downside Risk Analysis
We utilize downside risk analysis to help screen for—and avoid—stocks that may be likely to underperform. This sophisticated research tool enables us to build equity portfolios with potential to beat benchmarks on both an absolute and a risk-adjusted basis.
Attentive Client Service
We believe in a personal approach to portfolio management. As your partner, we provide timely investment management, insights and recommendations, and clear communication.
Our Investment Vehicles
Within the investment vehicles we offer—SMAs, model delivery, ETFs, private fund, and UCITS fund—our strategies seek to deliver potential outperformance in growth, income, or growth-and-income with reduced downside risk. Our Downside Risk Alert (DRA) research tools screen for downside risk from valuation, financials, and sentiment—which we believe are stronger predictors of an equity’s strength than upside potential.
The following are our primary portfolio types and their characteristics.
GrowthThe objective of our growth strategies is reasonable, long-term growth of capital. | Bulls of the Dow – portfolio of 10 U.S. large-capitalization stocks selected from the Dow Jones Industrial Average having the strongest scores from our research. IntelliBuilD® Growth – 33-stock portfolio focused on U.S.-based high-growth companies and innovation selected from Investor's Business Daily (IBD) stock lists. Outlier Growth – stock portfolio attempting to select stocks early in a growth cycle that could dramatically outperform the stock market, called 'outliers.' |
Growth & IncomeThe objective of our growth and income strategies is reasonable, long-term growth of capital paired with a solid income stream. | Covered Call Income – 25-30 U.S. large capitalization stocks with out-of-the-money call options written. Dividend Growth & Income – 33-stock portfolio of companies with a strong dividend payment and growth history. Real Estate Income & Growth – 20-25 publicly listed real estate investment trusts. |
Fixed IncomeThe objective of our fixed income strategy is income with relative safety of principal. | Preferred Income – 25-30 preferred stocks and capital securities that display high, steady, and consistent income. |
Option OverlayThe objective of our option overlay strategy is to manufacture additional cash flow in exchange for additional volatility in an existing portfolio. | Index Income Overlay – an overlay strategy on the sale of put option credit spreads on the S&P 500 or similarly situated exchange-traded funds (ETFs). |
Exchange Traded Funds | IPDP Dividend Performers ETF IPPP Preferred-Plus ETF |
Our Team
Experience. Knowledge. Commitment. These qualities define the Innovative Portfolios team and why we believe we bring added value to our client relationships.
Under the leadership of founders Dave Gilreath and Ron Brock, the Innovative Portfolios team constantly looks for unexpected ways to add income to portfolios and focuses on long-term results for our clients.