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in the news

close up of clear crystal against white background, shadow and rainbow light appear on background, innovative portfolios perspectives

Is the S&P 500 Currently Overvalued? We Don’t Think So

A great number of pundits are calling the S&P 500 overvalued based on the PE Ratio (current price divided...

dark silhouette of a person standing at the end of a tunnel with neon pink walls, innovative portfolios perspectives

All Eyes on the S&P 500 Index

Now that is a way to start the year off! In January 2024, the S&P 500 reached a new...

person climbing indoor rock wall without ropes or a belay, innovative portfolios perspectives

Out With 2023, In With a New High for the S&P 500

A new record! It took just over two years, but on January 19, 2024, the S&P 500 reached a...

crystal ball with black background and neon lights, innovative portfolios perspectives

After 2023, Can Anyone Predict the 2024 Market?

Nobody has a crystal ball; Wall Street certainly doesn’t. At the end of last year, most economists were predicting...

Brad Stark, Compliance Manager, and Tiffany Kryder, Operations Manager

Two New Faces at Innovative Portfolios

"Making sure everything is safe, secure, and suitable for both individual and institutional clients," is the way Brad Stark,...